Empowered Soul
shake off the old pattern of anxiety and self-doubt
Created by Leading Certified Hypnotists
Diana & Elena Brailovsky
Do you...
Have a harsh inner critic who stresses you out leaving you feeling exhausted and overwhelmed all the time?
Worry about what others think of you & wonder if there is an increased tension at home, work, and/or in your relationships because of this?
Find yourself people pleasing and doubting your own decisions?
Have trouble getting out of bed in the morning, feeling unmotivated about the day ahead?
Want to find a natural and more effective way to get rid of stress and anxiety without having to take medication?

Diana S. Brailovsky, CH
HypnoHolistic Owner & Certified Hypnotist
Imagine if you could release your fears of speaking up at work, stop overthinking in your relationships, and get out of the never ending loop of worrying what others think of you. It’s time to finally set yourself free to be your confident, authentic self.
Our 12-week, transformational 1-on-1 hypnosis program is for you if you struggle with stress, anxiety, or a lack of confidence in yourself. Our program will completely transform the way you see yourself and others, release old emotional baggage of the past, and reprogram your mind to respond with more calm, confidence, and assertiveness in your relationships, your career, and any other areas of your life that you need support in.
With over two decades of combined experience, thousands of in-person and online clients, and an array of mastered hypnosis and energy healing techniques, we have created a comprehensive program that allows you to achieve lasting and profound change without years of therapy.
Deep dives to uncover the root of the issue, 1-on-1 transformational hypnosis sessions, Neurolinguistic Programming and energy healing techniques are just some of the modalities we use to help our clients end the suffering and make massive positive shifts in their lives.
This work is our passion and our mission is to help beautiful souls like you release fears, anxieties, and limiting beliefs quickly and easily so that you can start living your life with the ultimate success-- more joy, passion, inner peace, authenticity, and self-love.
If you are ready to experience an incredible 90 day journey filled with life-changing breakthroughs, healing anxiety, releasing old emotional baggage, finding your true self, and discovering lasting inner peace, Confident, Empowered Soul is for you.

Elena Brailovsky, CH
Certified Hypnotist & Energy HealerThis Program Is For You If You're Ready To...
Limiting beliefs, past traumas, and suffering that have been keeping you anxious and finally set yourself free to stress less and experience more joy and vitality in your life.
Your mind to get out of fight-or-flight mode and feel more calm and empowered in stressful situations so you can sleep better, feel better, and be more effective and energized in your day-to-day life.
Tap Into
Powerful inner resources and gain incredible tools to thrive in all areas of your life from work to relationships (even in times of uncertainty and global trauma).
Break Free
From anger, criticism, and blame in your relationships and unlock incredible new levels of communication with others.
New ways of being that allow you to be more present and connect more meaningfully with others.
A deep level of emotional resilience and self-love so you can really come home to yourself where you no longer feel stuck and overwhelmed by anxiety.
A 1-on-1 Deep Dive + Initial Hypnosis Session
(2 hours)
9 Transformational 1-on-1 Hypnosis Sessions
(1-1.5 Hours Each)
12 Week Email/Messenger Support With Your Practitioner (Up to 20 Minutes per/week, Mon-Fri)
A 30-Minute Follow Up Session at the Completion of Your Journey

A Note from Diana, Owner and Certified Consulting Hypnotist & NLP Practitioner of HypnoHolistic:
On my personal journey, I learned that the anxiety I had for years, which I thought was just a natural part of my “personality”, was actually just a series of mental blocks and emotional traumas that my body and mind had been storing.
I felt hopelessness over the things I wanted to do but couldn’t. It was things like speaking up more, going after my dreams, connecting with others more— I would have liked to do them all but couldn't because the anxiety would always kick in again. This lead to more anxiety and sometimes even depression.
I thought that uncomfortable pressure I felt in my stomach, the excessive worrying, the sweaty palms, the racing heart beat, the constant overthinking, and irritability were something I would have to live with forever because no matter what I tried, nothing would truly make these symptoms go away. Whatever I tried, either helped a little bit, didn’t help at all, or was a “remedy” that was just masking the core problem.
I was lucky enough that my life’s journey led me to my first hypnosis session when I was in college in my early 20s. That was when my life changed forever. This experience uncovered an extremely effective and natural solution to the anxiety problem. I walked out of the session feeling the most relaxed I had ever felt. It was a new feeling for me—to actually feel calm inside.
In the days after, I felt calmer and began seeing life changing shifts in my day-to-day life. After my second hypnosis session, I made up my mind that this is exactly what I want to do with my life—to help others heal with hypnosis.
Over the course of just a few sessions, hypnosis helped me overcome not only anxiety but also release emotional pain that helped me heal on the mental, emotional, and physical levels.
I began to gain real confidence and clarity in my life! I was free of anxiety and full of hope. Most importantly, I was finally able to do the things I wanted to do and go after my dreams.

After my own hypnosis sessions, I went on to train in hypnosis, became a Certified Consulting Hypnotist, Neurolinguistic practitioner, Quantum Healing Hypnosis practitioner, and have been helping thousands of clients to release mental blocks, traumas, and become more empowered in their lives through transformational 1-1 sessions in person, virtually, and through hypnosis recordings.
I realize now that discovering this healing method for myself, I have saved myself years of therapy and medication experimentation. This is because we did NOT mask the symptoms or just talk about them, we actually addressed the root causes of the anxiety on the subconscious level and healed them.
Hypnosis is incredible and our minds are powerful. And no matter what we have gone through, we are capable of magnificent changes—changes that can create so much joy and ease in our lives.
Elena was my amazing hypnosis practitioner years ago and fast forward to today, she and I have created a phenomenal transformational 12-week program to help you start living as the Confident, Empowered Soul YOU are meant to be. So if you know you can’t keep living the way you have been living— anxious, overwhelmed, constantly stressed— if you are ready to step into more ease, joy, clarity, and inner peace, Confident Empowered Soul is for you because we know what anxiety feels like and we know how to help you heal. Book a discovery call with us. We are here for you.