
Diana Sofia Brailovsky, CH

HypnoHolistic Owner & Certified Consulting Hypnotist


I'm so glad you're here 🤍

I am Diana Sofia Brailovsky, a certified hypnotherapist and energy healing practitioner based in Frederick, Maryland.

With a passion for holistic healing, I specialize in Past Life Regression, Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT®), and hypnotherapy for anxiety.

I currently work with my clients all over the world through Zoom as well as in-person in Gaithersburg, Maryland.

I believe in the power of the subconscious mind to unlock the mysteries of your soul that can truly help you heal. With my warm and compassionate approach, I am here to guide you to receive your own answers and healing through the power of your subconscious mind and the profound wisdom of the Higher Self.




Past Life Regression

Would you like to tap into the magic of your own past lives and find out what you have experienced before? If you’re looking to have a profound experience of a lifetime, you will love a Past Life Regression session. With my gentle and compassionate approach, I will guide you to discover your own past life events, gifts and skills, and receive answers and/or healing to current life issues that may be carryovers from the past. Reserve this special session for yourself today.

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Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT®)

Experience the transformative power of QHHT. Developed by the late and great Dolores Cannon, this technique involves an induced deep state of hypnosis, where you can access a higher consciousness for answers to all of your questions and healing as needed. QHHT is particularly suited for those who seek deeper insights into their health, life purpose, or spiritual path, providing clarity and authentic alignment with one's Higher Self. 

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Hypnotherapy for Anxiety

Tailored hypnotherapy sessions designed to alleviate anxiety through safe, gentle, and effective techniques. These sessions help you identify the root causes of your anxiety and heal them, transmute negative patterns into healthier responses, and promote genuine mind and body stress-reduction and relaxation. Gain powerful tools and strategies to manage stress, improve your response to anxiety triggers, and enhance your overall well-being so that you can succeed in all areas of your life. 

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ThetaHealing is a powerful meditative technique that facilitates physical, psychological, and spiritual healing with focused prayer through the Creator of All That Is. This method uses the theta brainwave state to promote healing, intuition, and personal growth. By accessing this state, clients can explore emotional blockages and release negative limiting beliefs that may be affecting their current health and happiness.

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Client Love

"Diana is an amazing hypnotherapist!
I have had several transformative and life changing sessions with her. Diana creates a supportive container of safety and comfort to facilitate deep relaxation in the mind, body and spirit. Her voice is so soothing and I was easily able to relax into a hypnotic state. She facilitated several other life regressions allowing me to clear deep emotions of grief and trauma. If you are looking for a skilled hypnotherapist - Diana is it!"

"Diana, you mean so much to me as the beautiful being you are. It's like the universe responds to our needs in many ways and your nature is enabling my true nature; I am free from my burden & can reach beyond time as we know it & out of the bounds of this realm. Your gift enables mine & your heart is big enough to carry the weight of all that seem heavy and transmute it to feather 🪶... you are truly more spirit than flesh and basically an angel! Thank you for what you do... and continue to do.. it's a blessing and I feel healed ♥️ I am healed ♥️ thank you and I can't wait to journal this experience we had .. it's not just me but you travel with the souls that need you and it is a shared journey. Thank you for being my human guide on earth 💖
I am healed; I am whole 💗"

"I can honestly say I had life changing experiences after 3 sessions of hypnotherapy with Diana. I have noticed the results and so have my friends. It's amazing how things in our subconscious mind influence our daily decisions. I'm glad that I'm free of many of those things now, because they were not real and were planted there when I was a child. I'm very grateful for the experience."

"I've worked with Diana over the course of several hypnotherapy sessions so far and I'm really impressed with her ability to ask a lot of thoughtful questions in order to gather as much information as possible regarding your current beliefs/goals and exactly what you'd like to change. She does excellent job integrating it all into a session with a very clear direction. Diana's also fun to talk with, thoughtful, and very knowledgeable. I've never felt rushed and it's apparent she really puts in the effort to make your sessions as personalized and effective as possible. Diana is an excellent hypnotherapist and I highly recommend her!"


My Past Life Regression Journey

My journey with past life regression began 17 years ago when I stumbled upon a fascinating book at my local library. The book was filled with incredible healing stories, like that of a man who suffered from chronic back pain his entire life.

After countless unsuccessful treatments from various doctors, the man turned to Past Life Regression as a last resort. During his session, he recalled a past life where he had fallen from a tree, injuring his back. By unlocking this memory, he finally found relief from his pain in his current life and walked out of his Past Life Regression with a healthy back.

Inspired by such powerful outcomes, I went on to become a certified hypnotist and energy healer, have completed trainings with world-famous Dr. Brian Weiss and Dolores Cannon's Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT), and feel incredibly grateful to not only practice this life-changing modality with my clients but to have also experienced it's profound healing effects personally.

